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About the Author: m.guerville

C&C Tendencias Interview with Valutico and Dextra

C&C Tendencias Interview with Valutico and Dextra Spanish version here: tendencias_valutico_cc56_v5 As in all crises, the divergences in price between buyers and sellers are preventing a significant volume of transactions from materializing. In this market context, in which technology is also revealed as more necessary [...]

août 4, 2021|Categories: Media Coverage|Tags: |

Valutico wins SelectUSA Fintech pitching competition

🇦🇹🏆👏 Proudly announcing the 2021 SelectUSA Tech Pitching winners - our very own Austrian start-ups Tonio - tone with information for E-Commerce and Valutico for FinTech! What tremendous successes against fierce competition from more than 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ start-up competitors worldwide. Congratulations Florian Novak, Stephan Karner, and Paul Resch, CVA for your innovative solutions are clearly poised [...]

juin 11, 2021|Categories: Company Updates|Tags: |